Think and Grow Rich written by Napoleon Hill was first published in 1937. Its really old book but still very much relevant in the current situation. It is one of the oldest book written on the wealth and money. Think and Grow Rich book contains 15 chapters, which will not just make you understand finance but it will give you a broader picture of the life to achieve success. Think and Grow Rich book teaches us how to be successful in life.
Napoleon Hill the author of the Think and Grow Rich book was an American author who died in 1970. He was an Author, Journalist, Salesman and Lecturer. His other famous books are The law of success and Outwitting the devil.
Key points of the book
- Think and Grow Rich has 15 chapters. This book not only teaches how to become wealthy but also enriches life in terms of health, behavior, money, and attitude. All 15 chapters will keep you engaged and entertained.
- In the first chapter, “The Power of Thought,” it explains that thought has the strongest impact on our lives. Success comes to those who become success-conscious. This chapter teaches the importance of thought and how it can change our lives.
- A systematic approach to achieving goals can ensure success. Write down what you need, the timeframe, what you’ll give in return, and where to stop. Read this twice daily to help reach your goal.
- This book explains that knowledge alone doesn’t attract money; it must be organized and directed through practical action plans for wealth accumulation. Chapters 4 to 7 lay the foundation for the following chapters, offering a broader perspective on suggestions, knowledge, imagination, and planning.
- Chapter 8, “Decision,” will make you reflect on your past decisions and prepare for the future. It offers crucial life choices, like “Keep a closed mouth and open ears and eyes“
- “Every Failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent advantage“. According to the book the 10 Major causes of Failure in leadership are
- Inability to organize details
- Unwillingness to render humble service
- Expectation of pay for what they know instead of what they do
- Fear of competition from followers
- Lack of Imagination
- Selfishness
- Intemperance
- Disloyality
- Emphasis of the Authority of leadership
- Emphasis of title.
- This book provides a pathway to achieving your desired position. It explains the symptoms of a lack of persistence. Chapter 11, “The Mystery of Sex Transmutation,” teaches how to use sex desire to accumulate wealth and gain success.
- Major Positive Emotions (Desire, Faith, Love, Sex, Romance, Hope & Enthusiasm) and Major Negative Emotions (Fear, Greed, Revenge, Jealousy, Hatred, Anger & Superstition) are very well explained in this book in chapter 12 “The Subconscious Mind“. These emotions control us and could make us either successful or failure.
- The years betwen forty and fifty are the most fruitful. Man should approah this age, not with fear and trembling, but with hope and eager anticipation.
- How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear, Chatper 15, is the most interesting chapter which explains Six Basic Fears (Fears of Poverty, Criticism, Ill Health, Loss of love, Old Age & Death) and how to deal with these fears.
Think and Grow Rich is a must read book for everyone. While the first few chapters might feel disconnected or boring (they did to me), the later chapters are incredibly informative. My favorites are chapters 12 and 15; I loved them. You can buy this book on amazon.
Other Books Review
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