Description: Sometimes Pagination on WordPress articles does not work as expected and when we move to page 2 we get an error page with error code 404.
Possible Cause: This usually happens when we use the custom permalink structure /%category%/%postname%/. We generally need to use the custom permalink for SEO enhancement. I am also using custom permalink which has caused the issue in pagination.
When there were more contents on the main page then older articles went into page 2. Since I am using a customized permalink so when I was on , I was getting the error.
When clicked at page 2 or the link it prompts an error “404 – That page can’t be found” as shown below.
There are many ways to resolve this issue. Here we will discuss two easy ways.
1. Using Plugin
2. Without plugin or Code
1. Using Plugin
There are many plugins available to resolve such an issue. I have personally tested a plugin “Post Category Prev-Next Link Fix” and it worked fine.
To install the plugin, go to your WordPress admin portal, then to Plugin and then click “add new” and search for the keyword “Post Category Prev-Next Link Fix” as shown below.
Install & activate the plugin and it will solve the issue.
2. Without Plugin or Coding Change
Since the error was on the page “Poll” hence I have created another page named “Polls”.
On the main already existed page “Poll”, under page attribute, tag the parent page to newly create page “Polls”. As shown below.
As soon as page attribute will be changed and the parent page is tagged, pagination will start working. You could see the change in url
Do not forget to remove the new Page from menu else it will show in the home page like below
Remove newly created page “Polls” from menu
Once “Polls” are removed from the menu, homepage will return back to normal without the newly added page.
Source: Knowledge Base, Lab, WordPress