Ubiquiti Unifi UXG Lite Initial Setup – CLI Method

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Make: Ubiquiti Unifi
Model: Ubiquiti Unifi Gateway, UXG Lite
Mode: CLI [Command Line Interface]
Description: In this article we will discuss a stepwise CLI method of how to do the initial setup of Ubiquiti Unifi Secure Gateway, UXG Lite. If you are trying to setup USG Pro-4 then refer to the article linked below.

Ubiquiti Unifi USG Pro-4 Initial Setup – CLI Method


First of all, connect and setup the Ubiquiti UXG Lite as shown below. Ensure that UXG Lite is reachable from the local machine and also it could connect to the internet.



Step1Internet Connection
Connect internet on the UXG Lite at WAN port.


Step2LAN Connection
Connect LAN port to the local laptop as shown above in the image at the “Connection” step.

Step3Configure Local IP
Configure your local LAN with the static IP as shown below to access the UXG Lite.

IP Address192.168.1.5
Subnet Mask255.255.255.0
Default Gateway192.168.1.1

If DHCP is enabled then the local laptop will automatically pick up the IP. The default IP of UXG Lite is

Step4SSH onto Secure Gateway
SSH onto Unifi Secure Gateway using the default IP

SSH 192.168

Step5Login to UXG
Login to the UXG Lite using the default username and password. Use the Ubiquiti Unifi default username and password to log in.

Ubiquiti Unifi Default Username Password

SSH After UN & Pass

Step6Inform Controller
Run the inform command to adopt the UXG Lite on the controller

ubnt@'s password: 
Linux ubnt 3.10.107UBNT #1 SMP Fri May 24 17:21:55 UTC 2014 mips64

| | |____ |__\_ ____/__|
| | / \| || __) | | (c) 2010-2020
| | | | \ || \ | | Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
|______|___| /__||__/ |__|
|_/ https://www.ui.com/

Welcome to EdgeOS on Unifi Security Gateway!

********************** WARNING! ***********************
* Configuration changes made here are not persistent. *
* They will be overwritten by the controller on next *
* provision. Configuration must be done in controller.*
ubnt@ubnt:~$ set-inform

Adoption request sent to ''.Use the controller to complete the adopt process

Step7Adopt UXG
Login on to the controller and adopt the UXG Lite gateway.

Step8After Adoption
Once adopted by the controller, the device is all set to use and configure as per requirement.

Other important Topics

Source: Knowledge Base, Lab, Ubiquiti


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