Unifi Guest Portal Setup

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Make: Ubiquiti
Model: Ubiquiti Controller or Unifi Access Point [UAP-nanoHD]
Description: This article is to discuss and show stepwise, how to set up the Guest Portal on Ubiquiti Unifi Controller.

Step1: Login to the Controller
Log in to the controller using username & password.

Step2: Navigate to Guest Control Page
Follow the steps shown below in the image to open the Guest Control Page.

Step3: Guest Policies
On the Guest Control page, there are various types of guest login methods and policies are defined which are discussed below.

Step4: Enable Guest Portal
By default, Guest Portal remain disabled so do not forget to enable it [as shown above in the image].

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Step5: Authentication method
Select the authentication method you want to use among the methods mentioned below.
No authentication: Open connection and hence anyone can log in as a guest without a password or voucher
Simple Password: Static or same password for every guest account.
Hotspot: One-time or Multi-use voucher-based guest account login.
External Portal Server: Any external server can be used for guest account authentication control.

Step6: Default Expiration
Select the time for which the guest account should remain active. It is recommended to keep it 8 hours max.

Step7: Landing Page
Select the default landing page or you could route the landing page after login to your promotional pages like youtube or Facebook or webpage.

Step8: Portal Customization
Customize the portal as per requirement. In this section, it generally asks for the colour you need and the template you want to use. Set the things as per your choice and requirement.

Step9: Authentication
Select the authentication method you want to use for the guests to access the internet among the different authentication methods as shown below in the image.

Step10: Access Control
Since this setup is for the guests and you will never like a guest to access the internal network or subnet. Hence here in Access Control page, we can define subnets or hosts or IPs that we do not want to be accessible from the guest account or subnet.

Step11: Apply Changes
Do not forget to save the configuration by clicking “APPLY CHANGES”

Once the Guest portal is all set and ready to use, you could generate vouchers to allow guests to use the internet. A detailed description of Voucher Based Unifi Guest Login is available in the link. There are many interesting ways to allow guests to access the internet. Do not forget to check the details.

Source: Knowledge Base, Lab, Ubiquiti


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