Check/Change Cisco ASA FirePower SFR Module Network Settings

edledge Cisco logo

: Cisco
: ASA 5506-X, ASA 5508-X, 5506W-X, ASA 5512-X
Mode: CLI [Command Line Interface]
Version: 6.2.2-81
Description: In this article, we will discuss how to confirm the current network configuration of the Cisco FirePower ASA SFR module and if required how to change the network settings such as IP address, DNS, Domain name etc. Refer to the article How to Re-Image Cisco ASA SFR Module, if you are looking to reimage the SFR module.

Confirm Current Configuration

To confirm the current network configuration, follow the steps mentioned below.

Step1: SSH
SSH or console onto the ASA.

SSH 10.1

Step2: Login
Log in to the ASA and then access the module using the commands shown below.

=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2022.04.18 15:41:32 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
login as: admin
Access to this device is restricted to authorized personel of edledge team only. If you are not an authorized
user, disconnect now. Any attempts to gain unauthorized access will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of
the law.
admin@edledge-asa's password: edledge
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.
edledge-asa> en

Access the SFR Console using the command shown below

edledge-asa# session sfr console
Opening console session with module sfr.
Connected to module sfr. Escape character sequence is 'CTRL-^X'.

edledge-asa login: admin
Password: edledge
Last login: Fri Dec 10 12:55:26 UTC 2021 on ttyS1

Copyright 2004-2017, Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco is a registered trademark of
Cisco Systems, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Cisco Fire Linux OS v6.2.2 (build 11)
Cisco ASA5508 v6.2.2 (build 81)

Step3: Current SFR Network Configuration
To confirm the current network configuration use the command shown below.

> show network
===============[ System Information ]===============
Hostname : edledge-asa
Domains :
DNS Servers :
Management port : 8305
IPv4 Default route
Gateway :

======================[ eth0 ]======================
State : Enabled
Channels : Management & Events
Mode : Non-Autonegotiation
MTU : 1500
MAC Address : 08:EA:12:XX:XX:XX
----------------------[ IPv4 ]----------------------
Configuration : Manual
Address :
Netmask :
Broadcast :
----------------------[ IPv6 ]----------------------
Configuration : Disabled

===============[ Proxy Information ]================
State : Disabled
Authentication : Disabled


Configure/Change “Hostname”

Use the command shown below to configure/change the hostname.

> configure network hostname edledge-sfr

Configure/Change “DNS Servers”

Use the command shown below to configure/change the DNS servers. You could add more than one DNS server.

> configure network dns servers,,

Configure/Change “Domain Name”

Use the command shown below to configure/change the domain name.

> configure network dns searchdomains

Delete “IPv4 address”

Use the command shown below to delete the existing or previously configured IPv4 address

> configure network ipv4 delete [interface]

If you are not using any interface then use the command shown below to delete the configuration

> configure network ipv4 delete

Configure/Change “IPv4 address”

There are three options available to configure/change the IPv4 address of the Cisco ASA SFR module

delete              Disable IPv4 networking 
dhcp Configure IPv4 via DHCP
manual Configure IPv4 manually

Here we will discuss how to configure the IPv4 manual address.

> configure network ipv4 manual

If you using an interface then use the interface name at the end.

> configure network ipv4 manual sfrmanagement

Using the above mentioned steps you could configure/change the Network Settings of the SFR module.

Few other important topics on Cisco SFR Module or Firepower


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The average score is 60%


Source: Cisco, Lab, Knowledge Base


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